The Foundation
In the aftermath of World War II, Baron Kurd von Hardt (1889-1958), having no successor, decided to invest his fortune in an enterprise dedicated to reconciling Europeans through the study of their common heritage in classical culture.
He created a library specializing in Greek and Latin authors, ancient history and philosophy. This project became a Foundation in 1949.
Aims of the Foundation
- To invite and accommodate scholars wishing to pursue research at the Foundation. This includes access to a specialised library of almost 40,000 volumes in a unique setting with unparalleled conditions for study and research, for a modest financial contribution. Scholarships may be obtained for researchers up to the age of 35. Period open in 2024: 29 January to 30 November.
- To organise the Entretiens sur l’Antiquité classique, an annual conference on a particular theme attended by eminent scholars. The proceedings are published in a collection (68 available volumes, one upcoming in 2024).
- To make its facilities (main house, orangery, greenhouse and garden) available for meetings, colloquia and seminars around a variety of themes in which classical Antiquity has a prominent, but not exclusive, place. Events organised by private individuals (seminars, conferences or other events) are also welcome.